What's with all the uproar about those fake hymens that have already entered the Egyptian market? People are so upset about it to the extent that I've seen others claim that China is now an enemy of Islam and has stake in "polluting our pure women". That sounds completely retarded. China is smart; they're just catering to a target audience. They found a product in demand and the means to supply it cheaply and efficiently while making profit. It's about time, I say.
Nonetheless, I can't help but think that a number of rape victims will find refuge in such a device as it holds the key to a second chance for many of them who reside in the Middle East. If it were up to me, I would rather have the Rape-Axe than the fake hymen. At the very least, every rapist deserves to be bitten by one of those things. And just because there is a small chance that the fake hymen might prevent the heartache and destruction of yet another innocent victim, I'm all for it, despite what it represents.
When I first heard of this fake hymen thing, I had a laughing fit. I can just imagine all those militant, mule headed men, going into a complete mental breakdown. They would have to believe that either all women are "unfaithful, cheating, sluts that deserve to burn in the depths of hell" or all women are decent. But knowing their distorted train of thought, the former would be their preferred choice. That's the type of black and white thinking we've become accustomed to from those people.
You created it; I hope you choke on it.
Nonetheless, I can't help but think that a number of rape victims will find refuge in such a device as it holds the key to a second chance for many of them who reside in the Middle East. If it were up to me, I would rather have the Rape-Axe than the fake hymen. At the very least, every rapist deserves to be bitten by one of those things. And just because there is a small chance that the fake hymen might prevent the heartache and destruction of yet another innocent victim, I'm all for it, despite what it represents.
When I first heard of this fake hymen thing, I had a laughing fit. I can just imagine all those militant, mule headed men, going into a complete mental breakdown. They would have to believe that either all women are "unfaithful, cheating, sluts that deserve to burn in the depths of hell" or all women are decent. But knowing their distorted train of thought, the former would be their preferred choice. That's the type of black and white thinking we've become accustomed to from those people.
You created it; I hope you choke on it.