What does it feel like to realize you are going to be a victim? What goes in your mind at that moment, the very moment that you realize your life will not be the same again. Here's an account of what went through the mind of one victim in those painful moments...
It's cold tonight, why is it so cold? I still have so much work to do, my paper is due next week, the library sucks. I'm hungry, food, I need food. Go home make food. I still have to study. The paper, must finish the research.
It's too quiet. I'm late, it's late, it's dark. Should have gone home earlier. I hate the library, why does it have to be so far.
Walk faster.. I'm late.. it's too late. Footsteps. Who? Footsteps?
No one else is there. I'm alone. Is he following me? No, you're paranoid girl.
Is he singing?? Is he following me? He's following me! Panic! Panic! Turn! Turn! Look at him, do you know him? Recognize him. Features. Look for his face. Too dark. I don't know him, I don't know him. Scared, scared.
Walk faster, faster. Run! Is he talking to me? He's talking to me. I gotta go. Run!
Why is it so quiet?? My heart is racing. I can't breathe. Wait, he's gone. You're paranoid! I'm going crazy.
OK, walk faster, quickly, go home now.
What do you want!? Oh my God he's up in my face. Too close. Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
He's touching me! Yell, Yell. Help!
HELP!! Yelling, yelling. Not working. STOP! He's heavy, PUSH! Away, move away.
This is not happening, I'm dreaming. Just dreaming. It's happening! It's happening. Fight harder. Fight!
My fingers hurt, dig fingernails deep, dig them into his skin, scream scream. Scratch hard. Skin under my fingers. His hands are cold. Bite! Cut his face. Pinch his flesh. Tear him off!
Oh my God, gun, he's going to kill me. Hit him, hit hit hit. Kick, scream. Cannot breath, move his hands off your throat quickly. Hit him, hit him everywhere. Scream. I'm gonna die I'm gonna die. Death, die, death. Hit harder. Kick harder.
Twist the finger twist it! Push him harder. Scream! Scream! Someone. Someone's voice. Who's that? HELP ME!
Push him! RUN RUN! Running away, free, run. My heart will stop I am out of breath. I can't go anymore. Run! Keep going, keep going, keep going or you will die. He's running behind me? No, he's gone. Is he gone? He's gone? Where is he? He ran away. RUN!
Run away, home safely, only a few minutes, climb the stairs quickly. Shut the door. Lock the door. Breathe, breathe. Stop shaking. Sit down. Mouth is dry. Need water. Cannot walk. Just sit here for a bit. Sleep, close eyes. Where is he? Is he still here? No, I'm at home now. He can't be here. Just stay, quiet. You're safe now. Safe. Shaking shaking. Stop shaking. Cannot stop shaking.
Ladies and gentlemen, victims are all around us. What happened above could happen to anyone. Girls, you have to stop being victims. You have to fight for your right to survive, your right to feel safe. And boys, you have to stop the predators. You must stop the actions which fuel the stereotype that reduces men to rabid dogs. We all have a responsibility to keep our streets safe. We all have to work together.
Let's end sexual harassment, shall we?